In Ancient Chinese Medicine, digestion is intimately linked with the Earth element, which is comprised of the Spleen, Stomach and Pancreas. As the soil of the earth is simultaneously composting old life and serving as a nourishing foundation for the growth of new life, Earth is constantly in flux as it digests everything that we consume. It is the acceptance nourishment, it is our ability for integration, and it is our ability to digest everything that is. Working in the garden and getting intimate with the soil is a great way to begin understanding the Earth element and the many lessons and gifts that it has for us. For example, it bears bountiful harvests of fruits and veggies, through its composting abilities it breaks down and transforms what is no longer living in the current life cycle, and it serves as a home for the many organisms and tiny living creatures needed in our ecosystems. Likewise, laying directly on the ground helps us feel safe when we are feeling anxious and unrooted, and walking barefoot on the soil (when free of parasites) brings us down to earth and helps us feel connected to the world around us.
The best way to gauge how our internal Earth element is doing is by checking in on our digestion, which is innately linked to our internal feelings of safety, security, and trust in the things that are beyond our control.
10 Signs of Digestive Disharmony:
- Bloating, gas, intestinal noises after eating
- Loose stools or diarrhea
- Brain fog, muddled thinking, forgetfulness
- Fatigue, general feeling of heaviness
- Lack of appetite in the morning, especially between 7-9am
- Excessive sweet cravings
- Stomach cramps or discomfort
- Easy bruising, commonly catching colds and sickness
- Shortness of breath easily with activity/exercise and climbing stairs
- Worry, overthinking, rumination, obsession, low self-esteem
12 Simple Ways to Harmonize Digestion
- Begin your morning with warm ginger or fennel tea
- Lean towards room temperature and warm drinks, avoid ice
- Incorporate warm, nourishing meals into your diet such as slow-roasted veggies and meats, soups, bone broths, curries; embrace seasonal fruits and veggies
- Choose maple sugar, coconut sugar and date sugar as sweeteners over refined white sugar
- Avoid processed foods and excessive dairy consumption
- Choose local, organic produce when possible
- Eat slowly and without urgency
- Go on light walks after meals
- Spend 20 minutes in the sunshine each day
- Rub calendula or chamomile-infused body oil on your tummy before bed
- Spend time with people who boost you up
- Cultivate a relationship with your “gut” and intuition; nurture your emotional needs, take time to mother your emotional wounds