As a doctor of Ancient Chinese Medicine, my intention is to reinforce the healing capacity that already exists within you.

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Dr. Jessica Watson


Healing shouldn’t be complicated. That's why I’ve fallen in love with a medicine that returns us to simplicity.

My draw to Ancient Chinese Medicine was based on its theoretical framework, which was relieving to discover toward the end of my undergraduate studies. I found beauty in its perception of the natural living world, particularly how it recognizes the gestures of nature as expressions in human beings. I later saw this matched with a clinical efficacy and sophistication that I had never before witnessed in a biomedical setting.

Before my studies began at the National University of Natural Medicine, I experienced my own share of health concerns. While studying abroad, I contracted a parasite infection which led to a host of digestive and systemic health issues, the most overt manifestation of this being a new allergic reaction to wheat. This experience led me to an interest in digestive health as a whole and how it plays a central role in our overall vitality. For this reason, supporting one's digestion while pinpointing an herbal formula that awakens their own healing capacity is an absolute joy of mine.

As a sensitive individual, I’ve struggled with bouts of depression, social anxiety and moments of feeling unsafe in my body. Integrating the holistic perspectives of Ancient Chinese Medicine while simultaneously using its practical applications for my own healing has allowed me to reclaim more ease and resilience in my emotional life.  Thus, a great joy of mine is offering patients a safe space to move through blockages in the emotional body.

I am likewise driven by a profound desire to offer a solid alternative to those who are suffering from chronic illness and are overwhelmed by their diagnosis. Ancient Chinese Medicine is an inclusive and capable medicine that can work with any state of dis-ease, whether or not it has a technical name. This is something that my mentors have greatly instilled in me, passing it alongside their teachings.

I recognize that a preventive healthcare landscape involves providers who return patients to the forefront of their own healing process. I also recognize that healing is most potent with the presence, care and support of others. As a doctor of Ancient Chinese Medicine, my intention is to reinforce the healing capacity that already exists within you, while serving as a space of guidance, support, and holistically-informed care.